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Backsliding on carbon emissions: 2018 saw a 3.4% increase in the US

Safi Bello

Ars Technica ----------- "The US was already off track in meeting its Paris Agreement targets. The gap is even wider headed into 2019." That's the dire news from Rhodium Group, a research firm that released preliminary estimates of US carbon emissions in 2018. Though the Trump administration said it would exit the Paris Agreement in 2017, the US is still bound by the agreement to submit progress reports until 2020. But the administration has justified regulatory rollbacks since then, claiming that regulation from the US government is unnecessary because emissions were trending downward anyway. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

Backsliding on carbon emissions: 2018 saw a 3.4% increase in the US - Read More from Ars Technica

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