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Uber Regains Temporary License to Operate in London After Promising to Stop Being Terrible

Gizmodo --------- Ride-sharing giant Uber, which lost its license to operate in its millions-strong London market in September 2017 amid a Transport for London (TfL) ruling the company was “not fit and proper to hold a private operator license,” has won at least a temporary reprieve in its battle against UK regulators. According to Quartz, Uber has managed to secure a probationary license that will extend for over a year after it agreed to pay “costs” of the TfL investigation amounting to hundreds of thousands of pounds as well as agree to a six-month auditing period. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

Uber Regains Temporary License to Operate in London After Promising to Stop Being Terrible - Read More from Gizmodo

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