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Hyperthreading under scrutiny with new TLBleed crypto key leak

Ars Technica -------- Last week, developers on OpenBSD—the open source operating system that prioritizes security—disabled hyperthreading on Intel processors. Project leader Theo de Raadt said that a research paper due to be presented at Black Hat in August prompted the change, but he would not elaborate further. The situation has since become a little clearer. The Register reported on Friday that researchers at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands have found a new side-channel vulnerability on hyperthreaded processors that's been dubbed TLBleed. The vulnerability means that processes that share a physical core—but which are using different logical cores—can inadvertently leak information to each other. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

Hyperthreading under scrutiny with new TLBleed crypto key leak - Read More from Ars Technica

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