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Soyuz Rocket With Three ISS-Bound Astronauts Heads Into Orbit

Gizmodo --------- On Wednesday, a Soyuz MS-08 rocket blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, carrying with it two NASA astronauts and one Russian cosmonaut bound for the International Space Station. Here’s what they’ll be up to for the next five months. The rocket launched at 1:44 pm ET Wednesday, or 11:44 pm Baikonur time, successfully delivering its precious cargo, NASA astronauts Drew Feustel and Ricky Arnold, and Oleg Artemyev of Russia’s Roscosmos, to low-Earth orbit. The craft is expected to reach the space station’s Rassvet module this coming Friday March 23 at about 3:41 pm ET. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

Soyuz Rocket With Three ISS-Bound Astronauts Heads Into Orbit - Read More from Gizmodo

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