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New Deloitte report underlines need to redefine chief marketing officer role

Deloitte press release ----------- A recent report by Deloitte found that the role of chief marketing officer (CMO) has been elevated over the past decade from brand and marketing plan manager to enterprise-wide revenue driver. To investigate the challenges and potentially address the gaps between the role of today’s CMO and how it has traditionally been defined, Deloitte conducted more than 40 structured interviews with CMOs and a variety of other C-suite executives.According to Deloitte’s research, as more tools and techniques have entered the marketer’s arsenal many CMOs have seen myriad responsibilities added to their plate. These responsibilities include everything from the execution of social media campaigns to market research, digital marketing, direct marketing, advertising and public relations. With brand and marketing plans at the foundation, many of these new responsibilities have been treated as operational: tactical add-ons rather than a justification for elevating CMOs to strategic partners. To learn more click on the picture below to read the release.

New Deloitte report underlines need to redefine chief marketing officer role - Read More from Deloitte

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