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Intel reportedly notified Chinese companies of chip security flaw before the U.S. government

Techcrunch --------- Intel is not having that great of year thus far in the face of a slew of information about security flaws in it hardware coming out — and you can add another new report from The Wall Street Journal today, which suggests that Intel didn’t immediately notify the U.S. government of the issues, to that list. The Journal is reporting that Intel notified some of its customers of the security flaws in its processors, dubbed Spectre and Meltdown, but left out the U.S. government as part of that. Some of the companies Intel notified included Chinese technology companies, though the report suggests there is no evidence that any information was misused. An Intel spokesperson told The Journal that the company wasn’t able to tell everyone it planned because the news was made public earlier than expected. (We’ve also reached out for comment and to get some additional information, but haven’t heard back.) To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

Intel reportedly notified Chinese companies of chip security flaw before the U.S. government - Read More from Techcrunch

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