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Facebook invented a new time unit called the ‘flick’ and it’s truly amazing

Techcrunch ----------- I was all set to dislike the “flick,” a time unit just recently invented by Facebook (technically the Oculus team), because I thought it was going to be something worthless like “the average time someone looks at a post.” In fact it’s a very clever way of dividing time that theoretically could make video and audio production much more harmonious.So what is a flick? A flick is one seven hundred and five million six hundred thousandth of a second — 1/705,600,000 if you prefer the digits, or 1.417233560090703e-9 if you prefer decimals. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

Facebook invented a new time unit called the ‘flick’ and it’s truly amazing - Read More from Techcrunch

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