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A smart insole pairs with an app to track how tired you are

Safi Bello

Engadget -------- Two years ago, at CES 2016, we found a pair of smart shoes that can be "laced" by simply tapping a virtual button on a smartphone app. Now, the company behind those sneakers, Zhor Tech, has brought its latest creation to CES 2018: a connected shoe insole. The device is loaded with sensors that count your steps, detect your fatigue levels, analyze your posture and detect any rough vibrations around you. Zhor Tech says that its Safety insole is designed for people who work in construction or other field jobs like that, as it helps them keep better track of their work activity. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

A smart insole pairs with an app to track how tired you are - Read More from Engadget

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