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Volvo is reportedly scaling back its ambitious self-driving car experiment

The Verge --------- It’s been awhile since we heard anything about Volvo’s audacious experiment to deliver 100 self-driving cars to regular people in Sweden for testing. The program, called Drive Me, was supposed to kick off in 2017, but now the company says it’s pushing the date to 2021. Moreover, Volvo is scaling back the number of cars involved, according to Automotive News. Under the original plans first announced in 2015, Volvo would deliver 100 of its XC90 SUVs to real families in Sweden, followed by a similar number of vehicles to families in China and the UK. These participants would test Volvo's autonomous car technology. The cars would be able to run in fully "unsupervised" autonomous mode on certain, pre-approved and pre-mapped freeways in their respective communities. Volvo said that drivers would be able to fully disengage from the driving process, instead spending time reading a book or watching a video. The car would drive itself and handle any situation that might arise on the roadway. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

Volvo is reportedly scaling back its ambitious self-driving car experiment - Read More from The Verge

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