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Safi Bello

Why DARPA Is Investing Big in Gene Drives

Gizmodo --------- A powerful and controversial new genetic engineering technology called a gene drive offers the potential to drastically reshape our world by overriding natural selection. And the US military’s research arm is among one of the technology’s biggest research funders. It’s no secret that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has its eye on gene drive technology. Last year, the agency launched a program aimed at developing a sort of Ctrl-Z function for gene editing that would allow scientists to undo their genetic work should they make an unfortunate mistake and better understand gene editing technologies’ function. In July, DARPA announced seven research teams that would be the recipients of a total $65 million in grants, with gene drives one of the major focuses of the research. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

Why DARPA Is Investing Big in Gene Drives - Read More from Gizmodo

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