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  • Safi Bello

How To Guide For: A Look At The Museum Of Ice Cream

What is the Museum of Ice Cream? The Museum of Ice Cream is a temporary museum dedicated to all things ice cream. The person behind the Museum of Ice cream is creator Maryellis Bunn. The museum is open now until Wednesday August 31 and is located in the Meatpacking District across the street from the Whitney Museum in NYC. I love ice cream so I made sure to buy my tickets as soon as I found out they were available and now the tickets are completely sold out. The museum will have six rooms. I am most excited about the pool filled with confetti colored sprinkles. The sprinkles are not edible but to be in a pool filled with sprinkles is pretty exciting. There will be chocolate fountains and visitors will be able to take part in creating "The World's Largest Ice Cream Sundae" by scooping ice cream into a giant bowl or here is the best part ride an ice cream scoop seesaw and an ice cream swing. How cool does that sound. I can't wait. Some of my friends already went and here are some pictures of what the inside of the Museum of Ice Cream looks like.

Pool filled with sprinkes
Ice Cream Swing
Ice Cream Cone lighting
This is when you walk in
Pool filled with sprinkles

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