Wearing Color Block
Color block is a great way to add color to your look and wardrobe. When you wear color block looks you don't need anything else because the color block piece is enough on it's own. The color block item will make your entire look very noticeable and you'll stand out because you'll have multiple or lots of colors on at once.
Wearing a color block item can feel like you have too much going on all at once especially if you're not used to wearing color. But if you feel like wearing too much color is not your thing then you can start with wearing a color block piece in maybe earthy tones or neutrals or darker hues. If you start out with brighter colors and you're not a bright color type of person it can make you feel a little uncomfortable.
If you're into wearing color and and are not afraid to try out new fashion looks then you've come to the right place. Color block is a great way to make a statement and it is also a great way to try out wearing multiple colors or lots of color all at once and seeing if it works for you. If you are on the market for some color block items below are some color block items worth checking out. To learn more about each look below click on the pictures which will take you to the retailer selling the item.