- Safi Bello
Experimental new technique aims to edit man's DNA inside his own body
The Verge ----------- Scientists in the US have attempted to edit a person’s DNA inside his own body, permanently altering his genetic code, according to The Associated Press. It will take at least a month, and as long as three, to know if the edit took. If it works, that may boost the development of gene therapies, which tinker with genes in order to treat or prevent diseases. The patient, 44-year-old Brian Madeux, has a genetic disorder called Hunter syndrome: he lacks a key gene in his liver cells that breaks down complex molecules, which can then build up, causing damage to his body. The condition triggers infections, trouble breathing, as well as heart and brain problems. The therapy, part of a clinical trial run by Sangamo Therapeutics, involved giving Madeux a concoction that will eventually cut his DNA and insert the gene he's missing. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.