Snapchat stories posted from your camera roll will no longer have an ugly white frame
The Verge --------- Snapchat has always prided itself on real-time sharing. That’s why the app opens to the camera: it’s designed to get you sharing whatever is happening in the moment. That’s why, until today, snaps posted from your camera roll got a white border around them. It was a subtle cue from the app that older photos and videos are considered second-class citizens inside Snapchat. But as of today, that’s going away. An update to Snapchat rolling out today removes the white border. Snaps posted from the camera roll will now appear however they appear when you first snapped them. The technology isn’t perfect, though — horizontal photos get rotated when you import them into Snapchat, and there’s no way to straighten them out. Instagram, which never added a border to old photos and videos, retains their proper orientation. (Though it does awkwardly crop them, for now at least.) To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.