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  • Safi Bello

Tesla stakes Elon Musk’s salary on plan to become bigger than Amazon

The Verge -------- Tesla has announced a new compensation plan for Elon Musk: he’ll only get paid if he reaches certain exorbitant milestones, including a Tesla market valuation of $650 billion. The company’s market valuation goals start at $100 billion and go up in $50 billion increments. (They climb to $150 billion, and so on until the $650 billion mark.) Tesla has a dozen market valuation goals and a dozen revenue and adjusted profit targets. The profit goals are designed to ensure that the company is “also executing well on both a top-line and bottom-line basis” as the company grows in valuation. To learn more click on the picture below to read the article.

Tesla stakes Elon Musk’s salary on plan to become bigger than Amazon - Read More from The Verge

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